Article: AN0001556Updated: 18.03.2020
ObjectGears distinguishes three basic built-in roles (types of roles):
- Administrator
- IT owner of model
- User
Below figure shows the concept of these roles.

Admnistrator is the strongest roles ObjectGears. This role is assigned to users defined in the web.config file in parameter AdminLogins. Administrator performs all the activities solved on the level of the whole ObjectGears instance:
- User administration
- Role administration
- Assignment of users into roles, unless ObjectGears is set to grant roles based on membership in Microsoft Active Directory groups
- Initial model creation
- Definition which roles can be used in which model
- Definition of the IT owner of model
- Creation of menu
- Job administration
- Accessing event log
- Other global settings (set up of application events, set up of lengths of fields used for object names, set up of modules etc.)
- Installs new versions of ObjectGears system
- Takes care of the database
- Monitors free space on disk and in the database
- Helps and advises IT owners
- Maintains up to date central system data (roles, users, jobs, distribution groups, languages...)
Administrator possesses also permissions of the IT owner of model for all the models in the whole ObjectGears instance.
Administrator does not have access on class data, unless respective access rights are granted to him/her like to any other user.
Administrator should be a person with a technical background with knowledge of web, IIS, MS SQL Server and scripting.
IT owner of model
IT owner of a particular model is a user defined by Administator in model properties. This user can then perform the whole variety of ObjectGears functions with the given model:
- Creation of classes, queries, pages, exports, imports, workflow and other other objects in the model.
- Set up of access rights on particular objects and operations for roles enabled for his/her model.
- Maintains the model up to date (e.g.: update of master data).
- Evaluates and realizes requirements from the business owner (comments or proposes better/alternative solution).
- Enables sharing data with other models (for repeated use of data in more models).
- Realizes translations of notifications and user interface.
- Consults performance and technical issues with administrator.
IT owner does not have access on class data, unless respective access rights are granted to him/her like to any other user.
IT owner should be a person with a technical background with knowledge of scripting and data modelling. It can be so called key user, that is able after training create models and applications in ObjectGears system.
Business owner
This role does not have special permissions in the system (it can be only defined at the model, who holds this role), but it is very important for the process of model creation. User in this role defines, what shall be created, modified or removed in the model. Business owner is responsible for correctness of model functionality requirements, IT owner is responisble for correctness of their technical realization.
Business owner is a user that will use the model and knows exactly what it is needed. All the changes should be approved by a user in this role.
This is a basic role that works with objects created by IT owner or Administrator. It does not have access on metadata of created objects with exception of the page user information or objects, on which display the user have explicitly assigned access right (import or export log, job detail or log, workflow detail etc.).
There are following basic user activities:
- Data display and modification.
- Display of schemes, queries and pages.
- Work with application by means of buttons and other controls created by the IT owner.
Users are ordinary workers, that use ObjectGears system for fulfilling their work duties.