Artikel: AN0002468Aktualisiert: 29.11.2021
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Configuration database (CMDB) is a data source which is central to many processes. IT teams can work with many CMDB entities and related processes in an efficient way directly in native ObjectGears screens, that can be quickly and easily created by users. However, if we want to share these data with business users, we may decide to create a special user inteface that will provide users a fresh look with a modern design. We give up development standard screen display, but we create a special display by means of webparts and scripts. We get an attractive look in this way and that`s what it`s about. This will demand few days of graphic designer and experienced user/script coder.
Our purpose is to display to users in an attractive way the main business applications and present the key information. Further, we will want to provide users with following scenarios in order that the Application catalogue is not just a list of data but it provides also other services that user may expect:
- Create an incident related to a displayed application
- Request installation of the application
- Display configuration item (detail of data displayed in the Application catalogue)
- Display scheme of application components, interfaces and infrastructure securing run of the application
- Display scheme of processes supported by the application
- Display documentation related to the application
All these operations could be performed in standard ObjectGears screens, but our goal is to provide a special look. We may also need to display the Application catalogue to all the organization users, not just to ObjectGears users.
We can imaging the Application catalogue e.g. in this way:

Applications can have their hierarchy (e.g. particular application modules displayed below the main application after expanding the selection). Similarly, we can connect many tiny applications into several groups (e.g. graphic tools, development tools, applications of the team Building administration). Application catalogue will be more neat and will display related records in a transparent way.