1. OG_Server-Disks

    Artikel: AN0002429Aktualisiert: 25.05.2020
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    This function returns a list of server disks including their total, used and free capacity. The list of servers is obtained from LDAP (Microsoft Active Directory).

    The output file can be used to import data into entity Filesystem (Disks).

    Main prerequisites for use

    Prerequisite Description

    Module Active Directory PowerShell Microsoft

    In order to read information about users from LDAP it is necessary to install Powershell module for Active Directory.
    Remote Differential Compression In order to read information about users from LDAP it is necessary to enable this function of the Windows system on server executing this functionality.
    AD DS and AD LDS Tools In order to read information about users from LDAP it is necessary to enable this function of the Windows system on server executing this functionality.
    Powershell v3 Microsoft Powershell version 3 or higher.


    Function creates a text file containing information about servers according to configuration.

    Name of the column header Description
    Server Name Name of the server.
    Domain Name Name of the domain which the server belongs to.
    DNS Host Name Name of the server in DNS.
    Disk Name Name of the disk.
    Total[GB] Total disk capacity in GB.
    Used[GB] Used disk capacity in GB.
    Free[GB] Free disk capacity in GB.


    Include hereinafter stated parameters in the file og_configuration.ps1 (generic parameters shared with other functions) or in the file OG_PC-Start.config (specific parameters of this function). Parameter configuration is described in the documentation of the programme Piklo

    Parameter Description Example
    [string]$LogFile Path to the file, in which log of the function shall be stored. [string]$LogFile = "\\servername\OGoutput\Disks\LogFile.txt"
    [string]$OutFile Path to the file, in which log of the function shall be stored.

    [string]$LogFile = "\\servername\OGoutput\Disks\OutFile.txt"

    [string]$OutFileEncoding Coding of the output file. Possible options are "UTF8", "Unicode", "ANSI" and "DEFAULT". The value "DEFAULT" makes the file being created in the ANSI encoding.

    [string]$OutFileEncoding = "UTF8"

    [string]$Delimiter Delimiter [ ";" | "t" | "," ] - Value separator in the records. [string]$Delimiter = ";"
    [string]$HeaderOutFile Defines, wheather the output file shall include header with column names ("1") or not ("0"). [string]$HeaderOutFile = "1"


    The function is called by means of the programme Piklo, that is part of ObjectGears package, from ObjectGears script. Result of the call has to be assigned to a variable, with which the script can further work.

    a = OG.Process.RunPiklo('OG_Server-Disks','-type C')
