1. OGImportResult

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    The result of calling web service for work with import.


    Data type Properties Description
    DateTime DateTimeStart Date and time of import start.
    DateTime? DateTimeEnd Date and time of import end.
    string FileName Name of the imported file.
    int ResultStatus Status of the import result.
    int? FileSize Size of the imported file in bytes.
    int? FileRowCount Number of records (rows) in the imported file.
    int? InsertRowCount Number of inserted records.
    int? UpdateRowCount Number of updated records.
    int? DeleteRowCount Number of deleted records according to the import file.
    int? DeleteBeforeRowCount Number of deleted records before actual import.
    int? DeleteAfterRowCount Number of deleted records that were not in the import file.
    int? SetNullRowCount Number of rows, that were not in the import file and in which at least value of one column was set deleted/set.

    List of values ResultStatus

    Value Name Description
    0 OK Import was successfully finished.
    2 Error There was an error during the import.
    3 Running Import is ongoing at the moment.
    6 Cancel Import was cancelled.

    When calling WS for an import start, status Running is never returned, since WS waits till a completion of the import. This status is written into the database immediatelly after the import start. If such an import takes couple of times and user checks the log of the import at that time, this status is shown.

    Status Cancel occures, if the import has set a procedure that shall run before the import and this procedure cancels the import that was started.
