Artikel: AN0001986Aktualisiert: 23.09.2018
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ObjectGears contains reporting tool for creating reports. Reports are prepared by model IT owner or by users with a special role. Usual user can than work with the report (filtering, sorting, modification, export to Excel) according to the access rights. Model IT owner can further use the report in ve webpartu Report na stránkách, které spravuje.
Output of the reporting tool are overviews of records, pivot tables or various chart types. Charts display only those records that do not have null values in columns that are key for the report.
Each report has its owner that can modify the report and set access rights.
Data sources for report
Every report has one starting data source. This can be whatever class or query. You can also include other classes in the report by means of columns of type Reference to a class.
Query enables to use whatever data processed in whatever way (sql, procedures).
When creating report user can see only classes and queries according to current access rights. See more in Access rights on reports and their sources.
Change of data source structures and impact on reports
Reports are in ObjectGears system considered as an output for user. This means that the system enables to delete column of an underlying class or query which is used in the report. Such a report cannot be executed untill IT model owner or report owner correct it.
Therefore, do not use reports for integration with other systems. There are exports intended for this purpose, that do not allow to delete a class or column that are used in an export.
Common report settings
Each report has its own setting of data source. However, there are some parameters in common.
Name |
Description |
Report group name |
Determines name of a card on which the report is displayed on the page with list of reports. |
Name |
Name of the report |
Description |
Description of the report |
Display type |
Type of the report |
Model, class, query |
Source of the starting class/query. Only classes and queries are displayed, on which the user has access rights. |
Owner |
Each report has its owner. It is user that created the report. The owner can be changed. |
Users for reading |
Setting access rights to execute the report to particular users. |
Groups for reading |
Setting access rights to execute the report to particular users. |
Owner - this setting is used mainly for users that have a special role for reports. Users with this role can modify those reports for which they are stated as owners. Administrator and IT owner can change the report owner.
Users for reading, Groups for reading - this setting is used for privileged access rights on report. If the user is not included he has to have access rights for all underlying classes/queries.
This setting enables to display in report also data from classes that the user does not have access right to. Use it with consideration. Some reports display only some columns from the source classes or group them. The resulting data have then different character and this is why you may allow broader access to them.
You have a class with cost which contains also salary cost. Such data are sensitive and only accountants can access it. Now, you create a report in which you display overall cost per month. There are no more sensitive data in the report. Therefore, you can provide access to it for a broader group of people than the underlying class allows.
Reports of chart type have also several settings in common:
Name |
Description |
Width, Height |
Chart dimensions. |
Name of x, y axis |
Titles for axis X and Y. |
Display description of x, y axis |
Indication wheather description of axis shall be displayed. |
Legend display |
Selection of legend placement. |
Legend background colour |
Colour for legend background for a better highlighting. |
Charts have a fixed widths and change of screen size does not influence them. However, it is possible to maximize them (see hereinafter).
Report execution via URL
Report can be executed via URL also with following parameters.
Parameter in URL |
Description |
Example |
run=1 |
Executes the report and packs its definition. |
ReportDetail.aspx?Id=10&run=1 |
run=1&export=excel |
Executes the report, packs its definition and exports results in Excel if the report Display type allow that. |
ReportDetail.aspx?Id=10&run=1&export=excel |
Maximization of chart
Reports of chart type can be maximized over the whole screen. This is suitable mainly on pages with webparts with more reports. After report display there is an icon with arrows in the upper right corner
. After clicking on it the chart gets maximized over the whole screen. Similarly you can cancel the maximization and return to the page with reports or to the own report.
Report of the type list of records can be formatted same like records in a class or in a query by means of rules. The whole rows or particular values in rows can be formatted based on values in particular rows. More rules can be applied to a single report and their priority can be determined by their order.
Report log
Every report execution is recorded in the report log, where you can trace who executed when which report and which records were returned in it (data source and returned columns).