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ObjectGears system can be extended and adapted to your needs in several ways.
- Modules
- Scripting
- Extensions on the database level
Modul is a DLL library written in .NET language that ObjectGears system reads after its start and enables to use functions that the library contains. Number of modules is not limited and their functions are called by means of scripts.
Scripts are a powerful tool for a fast functionality extension. They are used in buttons, workflow, jobs. Scripts can be changed on the fly without need to deploy new version. This means they provide a great flexibility and quickness of change implementation.
There is the file CustomerScript.js in the folder Scripts, into which ObjectGears system user can paste its javascript extension. The system reads this file as the last script. This script is empty in the default installation.
Cascade styles
Cascade styles can be extended in two ways:
- Styles / CustomerGlobalStyle.css - the file is determined for global styles without relation the colour theme.
- App_Themes / __téma__ / CustomerStyle.css - the file is determined for styles depending on colour theme.
Both extension files are empty in the default installation. However, you can use them for an easy change of styles for whatever system object.
Extensions on the database level
ObjectGears system can be extended also on the database level. In some situations it can be a proper solution.
Examples of use:
- You can add directly into the database further tables, database procedures and views for your specific extensions.
- You can create a query to tables from another database.
- After that you can import data from this query.
- Procedure from module can read/write into external (non ObjectGears) tables or run external database procedures.
- You can read/write directly from / to class tables supposing integrity of audit trail / archiving is not violated. In this case also access rights have to be managed by yourself - ObjectGears roles are bypassed.
- Adding new columns to ObjectGears tables is not recommended. In this case there is a risk of possible future loss od data or incorrect functionality.
- There is a risk of conflict of names of your own objects with objects introduced in future versions of ObjectGears. Use your own specific prefix for names of all your database objects to avoid such conflict. All your own objects shall start with a prefix consisting of 2-3 characters and underscore - except for OG_ and API_.
- When updating data via SQL, ObjectGears does not fill in the archive tables and does not update audit columns.