Artikel: AN0001822Aktualisiert: 04.01.2020
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The module contains a set of useful functions and webparts that extend the ObjectGears sysem in specific areas.
Webpart OGColor
The webpart displayes overview of css styles, that you can use for creating custom webparts. For each style there are name and current colours according to the selected theme displayed.
You can use the webpartu by inserting it into a new page in the model. After change of the theme in the given model current colours will be always displayed.

Webpart for week or month selection
Webpart is used for selection of week or month. According to the configuration user can switch between week or month selection. User can move by means of arrows to the previous or next week or month.

Name |
Description |
Code |
Webpart code for access via scripts. |
Name |
Title that is displayed in the page. |
Display webpart style |
Indication, whether the webpart shall be displayed in ObjectGears style. |
CSS class |
CSS class that is assigned to the webpart. |
Min. date |
Minimal date that the user can selected. |
Max. date |
Maximal date that the user can selected. |
Week selection |
Indication whether date can be selected by weeks. |
Month selection |
Indication whether date can be selected by months. |
Script for time interval selection |
Script, that is executed after change of the date. |
Properties for script
These properties can be used in script.
Name |
Description |
DateTime OGNewDatetime |
New selected date |
int OGSelectedType |
0 - Interval month
1 - Interval week
OGContentPage |
Page where the webpart is placed |
OGWebParts |
List of webparts in the page. In order to access webparts use their code. |
Script example
Below script sets selected date in the webpart wp_multiedit and performs reinitialization.
var d = ( OGSelectedType == 0 ? OGNewDatetime.AddMonths(1) : OGNewDatetime.AddDays(7));
OGWebParts['wp_multiedit'].SetData('dateFrom', OGNewDatetime);
OGWebParts['wp_multiedit'].SetData('dateTo', d);
OGWebParts['wp_multiedit'].SetData('selectedType', OGSelectedType);
Webpart Cookie
Webpart pastes into the page information about the web using cookies to track user activities. Informing about cookies is required by EU legislation.

Webpart TOP
Webpart pastes into the bottom right corner of the screen an arrow. Clicking on the arrow will bring the user back to the top of the page. This helps user getting back to the beginning of the page.
The arrow will appear only after user moves a bit downward in the page.

Webpart with stripes on time axis
Webpart is used to display data wih validity From - To on a time axis. Webpart can contain URL with links to other data, tooltip with details to particular stripes and colours indicating common properties of certain stripes.

Name |
Description |
Code |
Webpart code for access via scripts. |
Title |
Title that is displayed in the page. |
Display webpart style |
Indication, whether the webpart shall be displayed in ObjectGears style. |
CSS class |
CSS class that is assigned to the webpart. |
Model |
Model with source data for the webpart. |
Class |
Class with source data for the webpart. |
Query |
Query with source data for the webpart. |
Column with title |
Column with text for the stripe. |
Column with description |
Column with text, that will be displayed in the tooltip for the stripe text. |
Column with date from |
Column defining beginning of the stripe on the time axis. |
Column with date to |
Column defining end of the stripe on the time axis. |
Column with URL |
Column with URL that is used in the stripe text. |
Column with colour |
Column defining colour of the stripe. |
Column with legend for colour |
Column contaning text for the legend of the stripe colour. |
Column with group |
Column with group name. |
Column with group description |
Column with text that will be shown as a tooltip in the group name. |
Column with group URL |
Column with URLused in the link of the group name. |
Column with group colour |
Column defining background colour that should be used in the group. |
Default period |
Period used for the default display. |
Enable period hours |
Displays button for switching to hours display. |
Enable period days |
Displays button for switching to days display. |
Enable period months |
Displays button for switching to months display. |
Enable period years |
Displays button for switching to years display. |
Group width |
Width of the group containg several stripes. |
Field width |
Width of the fields over which the stripes are displayed. |
Field height |
Height of the fields over which the stripes are displayed. |
Webpart width |
Webpart width. |
Webpart height |
Webpart height. |
Min. group height for field number: |
Minimum group height defined by stripes count that will be displayed above each other. |
Enable period change |
User can change display Hours, Days, Month, Years depending on which are enabled. |
Sort according to the column |
Stripes will be sorted according to the selected column. If this option is not set stripes layout will be optimized in order they fill least number of rows. Therefore stripes can be displayed behind each other. |
Ascending order |
Determines whether the soring is ascending or descending. It shows only if the option Sort according to the column is selected. |
Colour of group 1 |
Background colour of the odd groups. |
Colour of group 2 |
Background colour of the even groups. |
Webpart for displaying files in a folder
Webpart enables to display and download files from a folder on ObjectGears web instance.

Name |
Description |
Code |
Webpart code for access via scripts. |
Title |
Title that is displayed in the page. |
Display webpart style |
Indication, whether the webpart shall be displayed in ObjectGears style. |
CSS class |
CSS class that is assigned to the webpart. |
Folder with files |
Path to the folder with files. (Example: ~/Files/Manuals and datasheets) |
List of allowed suffices |
List of enabled file suffices that should be displayed. If this is not defined, all file types will be displayed. |
Description |
Description (localized text), that will be displayed in the webpart. |
Enable file download |
If selected user can download the files. |