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Data in the class are not isolated in most cases but linked with other class through column of type Reference to anothe class. There are Master-detail relations in order to display these relations.
Relations are displayed on page DataDetail.aspx like a block placed mostly on a tab. List of linked records of three types can be displayed.
You can define whateveŕ number of relations for each class. However, consider the server load and the overall page size.
You have three types of relations at disposal:
- Reference to class - displays relation to another class
- Reference to query - displays relation to query
- Record archive - displays archive (history of record changes) for currently displayed record on page DataDetail.aspx
Setting Column determines from which linked class the records a displayed.
Data are displayed on page DataDetail.aspx in section named according to the name according to the field Group name. The whole group is then on tab named according to the field Bookmark name.
If you define more relations with the same tab name and placement, they will be displayed on the ame tab each under another. At the end of the tab there is sometimes displayed number representing number of displayed records. If there are more sections with relations on the tab, there is asterisk displayed instead of the number.
You can display the relation on three places in the page. You can select the position in setting Placement:
- On top - section is displayed above the data of the current record
- In the middle - section is displayed in the same level as the data of the current record
- Below - section is displayed below the section is displayed the current record
When In the middle is displayed, current record is placed on tab named Data.
Setting Enabled can hide the relation on page DataDetail.aspx in a quick way without need to delete the relation.
Checking the setting Display button New causes displaying button for creation of a new record, if the user has access right for creating new records in the linked class. . The current record does does not also be deleted. When you then click on button new a page for entering a new record is displayed
You can define variables that are added to URL in the field Url variables for new record. In this way you get a possibility to respond to particular creation of a new record and perform specific operations on page with anew record. Variables are appended to URL by means of operator & .
Setting Enable deletion of records displays at the end of each record in the master-detail relation a button for deletion and enables user to delete displayed records, if the user has access right to delete in the linked class.
You can define two filters for the relation. Record filter performs filtering before displaying records to user. The user does not seee this filtr and cannnot influence it. The second filter is User record filter. This filter is set on the page and user can it or change it.
Text in field Description is displayed in section above displayed data.
The last setting are Columns. You can find them on tab Columns. He you select columns that shall be displayed to the user.