Artikel: AN0001589Aktualisiert: 21.09.2018
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ObjectGears is an open system and supports integration with neighbouring systems on various levels.
Apart from batch data transfers by means of exports and imports, we can use:
- Web services
- Filling in a form
- Notifications
- Integration on database level
Web services
Web services are best to use in many situations when considering system integration. Information for use of web services in ObjectGears can be found here.
Filling in a form
It is used for a simple filling in form with values from URL. You can integrate ObjectGears system with neighbouring systems in an elegant way.
For some objects (e.g. classes, exports, imports) there can be defined notifications, that shall be sent to receivers in case of a special event. Notification language can be localized if we create default notification and then optionally other ones for necessary languages. User then can only set required language for notification in the user profile.
Integration on database level
ObjectGears provide objects implementing inheritance, audit trail and other advanced functions in comparison with classic database objects. Nevertheless integration on the database level might be best choice in certain cases. Limitations that you should consider in this case are described in programming extensions.
Export to Excel
Export of records on page datas.apsx can be raised by a user by clicking on icon
or by adding a parameter &export=excel into URL of page datas.aspx.
Mailbox functionality enables to read emails from Microsoft Exchange and insert them into the system. Email is stored in the class according to the defined mapping. It is also possible to define a script that will be executed after storing an email and respond to incoming email in a certain way.
It is also possible to define a rule After saviing a new record in the class and respond to a new email.
When to integrate current systems with ObjectGears
Apart from a general need to transfer data between applications there are several particular scenarios for use of ObjectGears in the enterprise information system:
- Master data repository - ObjectGears is by its desisgn an ideal system for a central repository of master data used within the company. You can design system of master data with mutual references in ObjectGears, define appropriate access rights to the whole master data entities or to particular records and let current applications to subscribe data via web services.
- Workflow designer and engine - Current applications can in case of need use ObjectGears workflow without need to develop this functionality in original applications. We can design workflow scheme in ObjectGears, define which tasks shall be solved by whom and let current applications to call workflow via web service and takeover necessary input parameters (workflow properties). ObjectGears workflow takes care of tasks distribution (users receive email notifications with a link to ObjectGears) and according to their solution calls current applications and passes result values.
- System for central job administration - You can define number of jobs in ObjectGears started based on time or certain event. By means of workflow you can orchestrate these jobs and achieve synchronization all data transfers realized within information system of the whole company.
Enabling/disabling integrations
If the integration is realized by means of integration objects (exports, imports, scripts...) it can be centrally managed. This setting is performed in menu Administration - System - About application in parameter Enable integration interface. This setting conditions enabling/disabling all integration objects, that are marked as Integration export, import, script...
This restricton shall be used e.g. in these cases:
- An error occured and it is necessary to disable integrations in order the error is not spread outside
- An error occured in an external system and it is necessary to disable integrations in order the error is not spread inside ObjectGears system and data are protected
- You have performed restoration from back up and before granting access to users and other systems you need to perform certain corrections
- You have performed copy of the productin database to a test environment and you do not want integration operations to run
Disabling integrations may be applied together with function of restricting user access. Both functions ensure data protection in special cases.