1. System installation

    Artikel: AN0002024Aktualisiert: 18.12.2019

    ObjectGears systems are installed by Installer. Before installation by Installer we will perform preliminary steps.


    In order to start ObjectGears system it is necessary to have following components installed on server(s):

    • .NET Framework 4.6 or newer
    • Internet Information Server (IIS)
    • Microsoft SQL Server

    See detailed system requirements.

    Multiple server instances

    According to the licence model you can create more ObjectGears system instances. You can operate these multiple instances on a single server. Instances do not interfere, however, they have to have different names. We speak about names of folders with ObjectGears files and names of databases. We recommend operation non-production instances on another server.

    We recommend to use some naming conventions. Choose name OG and suffix according to the environment type for the database:

    Database name Environment
    OG_dev Development environment
    OG_test Test environment
    OG_acc Acceptance environment
    OG_acc_2 Second acceptance environment
    OG Production environment
    OG_2 Second production environment

    Names of another instances can contain numbers or you can use real names according to the instance purpose. We recommend to keep the same name for the database and folders with system files.

    Create the folder OG for the files on the disc and then subfolders for particular instances. We you want to operate both web part, win service and admin tool on a single server, then copy all these components in a single subfolder. Hence, you will have everything for one instance together. Therefore, you can create a copy for a new instance in a fast way or delete the existing one.

    Saving all the instances into a single folder simplifies you also future back up of all the instances at ones.

    Preliminary steps

    We state here an overview for .NET Framework installation and creation of application on IIS for completeness purpose. It is a basic approach and may differ according to your current MS IIS version.


    Next steps are performed by Installer.

