1. DiskSizer utility

    Article: AN0001767Updated: 04.10.2018

    Programme DiskSizer is a utility for determining size of user and department folders. It calculates overall size and file count of folders according to the configuration. Values can be obtained for particular extensions according to the configuration.
    This will easily reveal users that store video, picture or music in company network. They consume needlessly costly space and represent potentially stolen content.

    Output of the DiskSizeru is imported into the model DiskSize, where history about occupancy is stored. At the same time you can see TOP 100 disk consumers and TOP 100 potential users with illegal content.

    One or more folders that shall be checked can be defined in the configuration. There is a main folder (root) assumed that contains subfolders for particular users, departments etc. that are subject to the check.

    There can be more root folders defined which covers easily placement on various servers.

    Further important property of the configuration is a possibility to map file extensions to document types. There can be more extensions assigned to a single document type. You can e.g. set extensions avi, kmp, mp4 for audio files. In the output there will be then displayed only overal file count and fil size for type VIDEO. If you need to track some specific extensions separately then create your own types.

    There can be used two special file types used:
           "" - (empty extension) - for files without extension
           "*" - for all other not monitored extensions

    You get one record (line) in the created output for each directory in the root folder and extension type. Each record contains date, analysed folder identification,  subfolder identification, given extension type, total count of files and total file size over the all found files of the given type.

    2015-01-01 12:45:10;place 1;users;acoount0001;doc;25;6113056
    2015-01-01 12:45:10;place 1;users;acoount0001;txt;20;13645
    2015-01-01 12:45:10;place 1;users;acoount0002;doc;1;256
    2015-01-01 12:45:10;place 1;users;acoount0002;video;11;128256
    2015-01-01 12:45:10;place 1;users;acoount0003;txt;13;8155136

    Launching DiskSizeru

    The programme has a single parameter that determines path to the configuration file.

    O.DiskSizeru path_to_configuration

    Path can be defined in an absolute way or relative way from the folder where the programme is located. If you have the configuration in the same folder like programme you can define only:

    O.DiskSizeru definition.xml

    Configuration format

    There are folder defined in the configuration, for which you want to find out the size. At the same time you define there a list of checked extensions and their mapping.

    Element Place

    You define the out file in the element place. You place more of these elements in the definition.

    You can name particular places in the element name. This name is written in the output file and you can use it for a closer identification of checked folders.

    Set a full path and name of the output file by element outputFile. The file will be generated in CSV format.

    Element Directory

    The element directory describes the main folder that you want to check. You can set one or more checked folders within a single element place.

    You can name a folder for distinguishing in the output data in the attribute name.

    Define the main folder placement in the element rootDirectory.

    You can define a mask for subfolders in the rott folder in the element subDirectory. If you want to count all the subfolders, then enter *.

    You can define a mask for checked files in th element fileMask. Only those will be included, others will be ignored. For checking all the files enter mask *.*.

    Element Extension

    This element defines mapping of extensions to extensio type that will be written to the output CSV file.

    Define extension name in the attribute name. Define type name that will be written in the output file in the attribute type.

    Define each extension only once. You can enter extension types several times. All the extensions with the same type will be summed up in a single result in the output file.

    You a void attribute name for files without extensions. Use value * for all the undefined extensions. 

    Definition example







    This programme is dveloped as part of the ObjectGears system. However, it is also release for a free use including commercial one. You can download current version by means of installer.
