1. Script object OG.Sequence

    Article: AN0002192Updated: 29.03.2019

    This object offers functions for work with integer sequences.

    Script functions


    Name Description
    int GetNextValue( string code) Function returns a new value from the sequence.
    string GetNextValueWithFormat(string code, string format) Function returns a new value from the sequence in the given format.
    string GetNextValueWithFormat(int columnClassDefId, string code, string format)

    Function returns a new value from the sequence in the given format.

    Provide column id or your custom sequence code.

    Object call


    Call example

    This call returns integer value from the sequence.

    var number2 = OG.Sequence.GetNextValue( 'mySequence');

    This call returns text value from the sequence, e.g.: INC000123.

    var number = OG.Sequence.GetNextValueWithFormat( 'mySequence', 'INC{#:000000}');
